New Shluchim Start Here

Join the Merkos 302 Fundraising Seminar to learn the basics.

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“The new Shluchim course was an incredible experience for me. I came in not sure what to expect, but I came away with incredible confidence and insight into the world of fundraising. I came back to my Shlichus with a renewed vigor in my fundraising and have had incredible experiences since with the clarity to know what are the proper ways and the proper things to do.An incredible weight has lifted off my shoulders. I would recommend it to anybody, it's worth every penny many, many times over.”

Rabbi Mendel Lebovics

<span>New Shluchim Seminar 5783</span>

New Shluchim Seminar 5783

<span>New Shluchim Seminar 5782</span>

New Shluchim Seminar 5782

<span>New Shluchim Seminar 5781</span>

New Shluchim Seminar 5781