You can transform your mosad.

It's very simple. If you had more money, you would do more good. We can help you identify your fundraising speed bumps and pain points and take your mosad and your money to the next level. With Grow Gelt's coaching and services, you'll find the support you need to enhance the impact of your Chabad House."

Successful Campaigns
Expert Guidance

“"Before Grow Gelt, I was caught in a scarcity mindset, pinching pennies to a fault. This approach wasn't healthy for our community, our shul, or my family. With Grow Gelt's guidance, I've learned that people genuinely want to help and often welcome conversations about the needs of our community.”


How much does it cost?

Grow Gelt offers services for "start-up" Shluchim as well as "seasoned" mosdos. Since every project is different, all projects and services are custom quoted. The good news is that the consultation is free, and the conversation will be friendly!

How do I get in touch with you?

Sign up for our newsletter and someone will be in touch with you for next steps. Alternatively, you can ask one of your friends for the Grow Gelt whatsapp number and you can send us a message. (We don't share the number on the site)

I need a scholarship. Do you offer discounts?

Sometimes. For courses and workshops we can usually find sponsors to fund up to 1/3 of the cost. For individualized and custom work, we do not offer circumstantial discount.

WIll you come and speak at a kinus or a group of Shluchim?

It would be our honor! Send us an email to get the ball rolling.

Start Fundraising Better Today.

"I think that the benefits of Grow Gelt are as close to endless as possible, because it continues on well beyond the sessions. Anybody who joins makes well beyond what they invested in."