Fundraising can be hard. We can help!

Feeling overwhelmed by your countless fundraising tasks? Trying to figure out where to begin and what to do? Our team helps with coaching, consulting, donor communications, campaign strategy and messaging. We can lighten your load and provide a clear path to measurable growth!

Fundraising Coaching

Sustainable and effective fundraising is far more than securing funds for immediate needs. At Grow Gelt, we believe in the power of building long-term donor relationships and creating a culture of giving within your community.

Professional Fundraising Assistance

Commitment to Communicate

Our set of specialized fundraising services are here to help you effectively communicate with donors, nurture relationships, and drive your fundraising success. From engaging in ongoing donor discussions to managing report writing and design, you’ll have our experience support every step of the way.

Strategic Fundraising Planning

Major Gift System and Coaching

Fundraising can feel overwhelming at times, but that’s only because you care so much because you want to make a real difference.

We take the time to learn and understand all there is to know about your fundraising circumstances, challenges, and goals.

We don't believe in a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, we take a tailored approach, offering personalized advice and strategies to help you grow your mosad.

Dedicated Fundraising Support

Reports & Newsletters that delight and inspire!

Are you tired of spending countless hours crafting newsletters? Do you struggle to keep your donors engaged and informed amidst your busy schedule? Our Shluchim Newsletter Service ensures you’re able to easily connect with donors and form long-lasting, loyal relationships.

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Show Your Donors the Stories They Make Happen.

This is a wonderful service. For minimal investment, I had an expert writer, a professional designer, and a project manager who magically took care of all the details. In just a few days, I now have a beautiful, donor-centric newsletter, and all I did was send in voice notes and pictures! I know it's called "Stupid Easy," but it should be renamed "Smart Easy." All Shluchim should use it. - Rabbi Dalphin